While the battleship male Keith sink ordered "fire! Call me this fucking earthman! I’m going to make him pay! I want him dead! "
The Dark Elf Battleship quickly caught fire, but the fire speed could not catch up with the "high flying" speed.
"Goofy" quickly rushed to the dark elf battleship and then stabbed it with a light.
Male Keith sink a way "stupid earth people don’t you want to flesh and blood breakdown warships? Don’t bite off more than one can chew. Look at me … "
However, his voice did not fall and he heard a loud noise.
B! ! !
"Goofy" abruptly knocked out a big hole at the bottom of the dark elf warship, and then it was easy to break through and jump out from the other end of the warship!
The Dark Elf warship suddenly loses its balance and can’t move forward. With an explosion, the monster loses power and falls rapidly towards the ground …
Chapter 377 Plunder too much grain
All eyes were focused on "Goofy", which easily killed the strongest warrior of the dark elves and cursed the warrior. At the same time, it conveniently penetrated the whole Avengers and failed to stop space battleship!
In the process of Malekis, he tried to form a protective cover with too much force, but it turned out that even the protective cover could not stop the rock-breaking energy from flying high.
This earth person, who is full of powerful energy and has become a terrible energy source, can even penetrate the protective cover formed by too many particles. He is indestructible!
"What the hell is this guy? !”
Battleship Malekis stared at him in despair and "flew high". His voice trembled and he asked this question.
But no one in the audience can answer this question, and the whole of The Avengers doesn’t know where the power of "Goofy" comes from.
Day carrier Nick Frey was shocked to look at the sight of "Goofy" and whispered "Mazefak! This is goofy’s killer? Don’t say it’s a space battleship. I think this little thing can destroy the whole earth with one punch! "
And then Nick Frey suddenly realized one thing.
"Goofy" seems to have been seen before …
What "Goofy" is very similar to a super soldier he once knew?
Just like the invincible superwoman who broke through a cosmic fleet by herself!
"Is this … binary form! ! !”
Fifteen years ago, when Nick Frey was still blind, he once knew Carol Danvers, an earthman who was transformed by the Crees.
Carol carried out a project named "Tianma Project" of SHIELD, and a gem energy source developed a "light speed engine", which was integrated in an explosion.
After the explosion, Carol became a light speed engine, and the light speed engine merged with Carol.
Part of gem energy, light speed engine media is instilled into Carol’s body, making her become a continuous energy source. She can turn into a living white hole and release energy continuously.
Powerful enough to destroy two planets at the same time, so her state at this time is called "binary star form"
(The color setting of the shadow binary form cartoon binary form is different. Carol Danvers’s binary form in different cartoons is named because she can embody both the zerg planet and the Kerry planet.)
In the binary state, Carol Danvers once penetrated a Kerry main fleet by herself.
"By what means did Goofy get Carol’s identical binary form?" Nick Frey frowned for a moment and then thought of the answer.
Gem and Soul Gem-These two gems are kept in the hands of Illuminati at present. If Goofy can absorb the energy of these two gems, his fighting capacity is much stronger than that of Carol Danvers who gets energy from a single gem!
The powerful binary star state makes the place crowded and the world audience keeps sending worship to Gao Fei, but at the same time, the real Gao Fei is being a quiet bystander in the Kun fighter plane of SHIELD.
Of course, it is not him, but his little daughter Carrie.
However, Carrie didn’t want to be too high-profile and become the focus of discussion after dinner. She took the initiative to learn the transformation from frigga and became a fly-like fly to beat up aliens.
Carrie is a wise child. She learned the saying "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility" from flying high.
Although she once fantasized about being a hero, she never wanted to be a hero who saved the world.
It is because she lives with Goofy that she knows how tired a superhero life is.
Goofy is troubled by all kinds of plots and disasters, big or small, every day. Almost every day, he has a good sleep, but if any bad guys invade the earth, Goofy can bear the brunt.
Usually, it is necessary not only to deal with workers, but also to prevent revenge from enemies. For this reason, Goofy has to move to sparsely populated canasi to ensure that he will not disturb his neighbors.
Not to mention personal life, how tragic it is.
When Gao Fei was a small policeman, he was able to have an affair with Jessie’s sister. For a while, he almost became a boyfriend and girlfriend.
But when goofy ability rises, position rises, influence rises, he Jieqian actually goes further and further. The original meeting every day turned into a see you on monday, and then a see you on monday simply turned into a casual meeting …
Carrie watched Jessie and Goofy drift away, but she couldn’t help it.
Because she knows that Goofy is not just Jessie, but all new york citizens. Goofy has reached this height and must take responsibility for herself.
Although Carrie is young, she knows clearly that she doesn’t want to be the second high flying girl. She wants to be an ordinary rival superwoman with an ordinary life.
Therefore, she must never show her strength in front of everyone. She will continue to fight in the name of flying high.